UNION THEATRE...Support Your Theater...Support Your Community

Once the theater was purchased in June 2007 (please see History for details), the real work began.

Being strong believers in "a picture is worth a thousand words", the Downtown Development Authority of Union Point commissioned the University of Georgia, Georgia Trust and Department of Community Affairs to create two "Concept Designs" of what the theater's facade should look like. The results were...

Union Theatre - Day View

                            Union Theatre - Night View

     The theater had been modified with a drop ceiling...

               View of theater towards entrance with drop ceiling

With the aid of many volunteers, we removed the drop ceiling...

 View from stage towards entrance and balcony without drop ceiling

 We are now back to the original interior...

            View from entrance towards front with temporary stage   

To hold events all year, we installed four heating/air-conditioning units in each corner of the main theater.

One of four heating units in theater

Our hard working volunteers are painting and repairing the interior...

         Union Point Volunteer Firemen painting future restroom

          Volunteers painting the future two main door entrance area

             Volunteers painting the future restroom area

The work continues...

If you would like to help us and be a part of the revitalization of this wonderful theater, please see "You can help" for details.